DIY Natural Lip and Cheek Tint
Lip and cheek tints are most popular in color cosmetics. It can be made easily using oil dispersible colorants like mica or iron oxides or FD&C lakes. Lakes are oil dispersible colors which are widely used in color cosmetics.
Advantages of using FD&C lakes:
- Different range of colors is available to make from red tones to pink tones.
- It gives a matt or creamy finish based on formulation.
- Oil dispersible, can be incorporated without settling down.
- Made carefully in lab and tested for heavy metals/ traces.
- Most of them are vegan.
Let’s make two lip and cheek tints using FD&C colorants.
About the ingredients and pounding process:
Castor oil is widely used in lip products because of its moisturising properties and sticky nature. It helps in healing chapped lips. It is a great base for lip products.
Coconut oil is also moisturising oil and is being used from ages as lip oil. It is a light oil compared to castor oil.
Soyawax thickens this product and also gives it a nice consistency.
Kaolin clay makes this tint a bit matt.
Lake Erythrosine and Lake Ponceau are used for pink and red color.
The best way to dissolve lakes or colorants is to pound them in mortar and pestle with castor oil or other oil. This ensures better solubility of colors.
To pound, take the colorant, clay and castor oil in a mortar and pestle. Grind it slowly till you don’t see any specks of color and has a uniform liquid consistency. This can be added to other ingredients.
Ingredients required:
Castor Oil (1.8g)
Coconut Oil (6.28g)
Soy wax (1.2g)
Kaolin Clay (0.5g)
Lake Erythrosine for Pink or Lake Ponceau 4R for Red (0.2g)
Peppermint E.O (0.02g)
Equipment required:
Lipgloss containers
50ml glass beakers
Steel or Glass Stirring rods and Spatulas
Heating mantle or Double boiler
Weighing scale (that measures up to 0.01g)
Cups to measure ingredients
Head cap
Eye goggles/ glasses
- Measure all the ingredients in a beaker except E.O.
- Heat it on a double boiler until the wax is melted.
- Stir for few minutes to dissolve the color.
- Add Peppermint E.O once it is at room temperature.
- Pour in lipgloss or roll on containers.

If you would like to share us your creations, do tag us on instagram @ases.chem
Disclaimer: This blog is for educational and informational purposes only.
#cosmeticchemicals #chemicalsuppliersIndia #aseschem #DIYlipgloss #naturallipgloss #naturallipandcheektint #colorcosmetics #howtomakealipglossathome #DIYlipproducts
That’s good …. giving knowledge
Really like it
Give me facial mist formulation…. very refreshing…. like Love Earth Jasmine and cucumber toner ….it’s very good to use before makeup… thanks
very informative. keep sending such recipes